
Specifications and provider identification as per the German Teleservices Act (TMG):

berbel Ablufttechnik GmbH
Sandkampstrasse 100
D-48432 Rheine
Tel.: +49 (0) 5971 / 80 80 9-0
Fax.: +49 (0) 5971 / 80 80 9-10

Place of jurisdiction:
Local Court of Steinfurt; HRB 5827
Managing Directors:
Robert Brandon

Tax Office Steinfurt
VAT ID: DE 220720770
WEEE-Reg.-No.: 59614689
Editorial content:
Responsible for content as per § 55 (2) RStV (Interstate Broadcasting Agreement):
Robert Brandon

Conception / design / programming:
cybob communication GmbH
Große Hamkenstraße 30
49074 Osnabrück
Legal notice:
All information and details provided on these Internet pages have been carefully researched and checked. However, the information provided constitutes a service and does not replace a personal consultation. Neither the operator of this Website nor third-party suppliers accept any liability for the correctness, completeness, and up-to-dateness of the content of the Website.

All content is provided as information only. Liability is restricted to cases of intent and gross negligence. In the case of the Web pages of third parties to which this site links using hyperlinks, the provider in question is responsible for all content. The operator of this Website is not responsible for the content of third-party Internet pages. We hereby expressly state that we have no influence on the content or design of linked pages. We thus expressly distance ourselves from all content provided on pages to which we provide links, since this content is not our own. This applies to all links on our Website and to all content on pages to which banners and graphics on our site lead.
It is also possible for a hyperlink to be set to our pages without the knowledge of the operator. The operator does not accept responsibility for the content of, layout of, or any connection to the Web pages of third parties.

In addition, the operator reserves the right to make changes or enhancements to the provided information. No legal claims may be derived from the topic areas described in this documentation.